7 Ways to Get More Girls in STEM
It’s no secret that there are not as many women and girls in STEM–that’s science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. More women in these fields positively impact the economy and provide diverse perspectives in problem-solving. These industries are often dominated by men, but how can we accelerate women entering STEM? The answer: by creating new pathways earlier. Taking computer science in college is too late. It’s important to make STEM subjects more accessible to girls sooner. One may ask, “How do you do that?” We have a few ideas. Below, you’ll find seven ways to get more women and girls in STEM.
- Start early. Children are naturally curious. Allowing girls to explore these subjects early on may help them to be more confident in these fields later in life. Early exposure to STEM may impact women’s decision to pursue tech careers.
- Make STEM accessible. By making these subjects accessible to girls, they have a greater chance of entering these fields. Educators play a huge role in access to these subjects. By giving educators access to tools so that they can bring more tech into the classrooms, girls have a greater chance of early exposure.
- Incorporate real-life problem-solving. Girls in computer science want to make a difference and solve real-life problems. It’s helpful to show girls the many ways that STEM benefits other people and the world. For example, by showing girls that they can save animals and impact climate change with data visualization, they can see that their efforts in math and science could have real-life impacts.
- Challenge stereotypes. There are common misconceptions around STEM that imply that you have to be good at math and science for these types of careers. It’s important to remind girls that they don’t have to be good at math and science to work in engineering. There are many ways to solve problems creatively without having strengths in math and science.
- Meet girls where they are. STEM is not one-size-fits-all. There are many different aspects of these industries. It’s important to meet girls where they are and learn about their interests and how it incorporates into STEM. For example, if they are passionate about art, show them how they can use art in engineering. If girls enjoy video games, show them how programming and coding plays a role in the gaming industry.
- Allow students to experiment. Having hands-on activities that allow girls to work with tools, machines, and tech helps them to feel empowered. Local initiatives like Computers4Kids helps to “close the gap that exists between youth who can afford to have a home computer and those who cannot.” By giving kids access to computers, 3D printing, and other tech, students are able to access and experiment with tech that they may not have at home.
- Be supportive. Encouragement is important for influencing girls in tech careers. Parents and teachers can offer support by reminding girls that they belong in these fields, too! Support can also come in the form of organized groups. Showing examples of women and girls who are succeeding in tech may help them to see themselves in those industries, too. Moms can play a role in this at home! When mom handles tech stuff at home (like troubleshooting internet issues) it provides a practical, real-life example of women working with tech and may help to encourage girls to be curious about tech.
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